Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 June 2013

RISING [HD] - Mask Time!

You know, sometimes you just have to grab your camera, get out there and shoot something. No thinking. Just shooting. Yesterday was one of those days. So I sent the follow text to a friend:

"You will be in London in 1 hour. You will bring with a Mask..." That was the brief. Here is the result:

I enjoy days like this. It sparks creativity and can indirectly influence other projects you might be thinking of/working on. Try it and let me know how you get on!

Tuesday 4 June 2013


Promised (short film) shares indie spotlight on the Daily Dead!

Click Me!
"Prior to the creation of Man, one Archangel knelt before another, bowed his head and made a promise never to change his view of him, no matter what happened."

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Thursday 23 May 2013


Emma Knock over at The Horror Hothouse has put up this excellent blog preview for our supernatural short film 'Promised'. Check it out!

"Hailing from The Horror Hothouse’s home town of London, comes an exciting new supernatural short film entitled Promised. Written, directed and edited by Bulent Ozdemir, Promised focuses on a broken promise between Archangel Michael and Lucifer, which brings forth a threat against the birth of Man."