Showing posts with label producer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label producer. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Great vs Undeniable

Article written by Bulent Ozdemir
(DisclaimerThis article contains words and phrases that some people may find offensive. Please do not continue if easily offended)

I've finally figured it out. The meaning of life... No wait, that's for another time! *Ahem*, on a more serious note:

Over the past few months I've spent some time on movie sets, met up with various people and had interesting chats with fellow peers. One thing I've found repeating to both myself and others is the word 'Undeniable'. As in:

"It has to be undeniable"

What I mean by that is that in order to get the recognition, success and sense of achievement we crave for like suicidal porn addicts, I feel the work we create must be 'Undeniable'. Not good, not great, not amazing... UNDENIABLE.

Here's my definition of the two:

  • GREAT - Something you see, feel and experience and then move on.
  • UNDENIABLE - Something that gets under your skin and skull fucks you into a submissive state of awe.

As I've said before, there's a shit load of talent out there. Guys'n'Gals that make most of us look like dribbling 3 year olds in terms of the work quality they produce. I watch their films and my loins ache with downright admiration and if I'm truly honest with myself, a little bit of jealousy -- Then I move on. There's no Interest and Interaction. It was great, thanks for the ride, laters. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

'DINER' - A Pulp Fiction Inspired Short Script

Article written by Bulent Ozdemir
(DisclaimerThis article contains words and phrases that some people may find offensive. If you are easily offended then please do not continue)

1994, some friends and I found ourselves at the BFI Southbank for, if memory serves, a Q&A screening of The Madness of King George. We went up the lobby escalators and onto the first floor. Bearing left, on the corner of this hallway was a cardboard cutout of 4 well known actors standing side by side. Underneath them, the title of a film called 'Pulp Fiction' accompanied by the words 'Coming Soon.' Instant reaction: "Bullshit. There's no way in hell all these actors are in the same movie. Must be a spoof."  Turns out they were all in the same movie... and what a fucking movie!